A memory!
Something that Josh and I hadn't done in a while, that I really wish we would have done more of, was fish. I absolutely love fishing and Josh actually really loved it too. His idea of fishing was sitting on the shore, throwing out a line with bait and waiting for a bite. If a fish bit, great. If not, that's even better. See he didn't want to catch a fish, he only wanted to sit on the shore with a line. He would bend the barbs on the hook so he could either lose the fish or release it. I'd get a little irritated because I wanted to take the fish home and eat them, but he didn't really like to eat them much. Oh he loved salmon and halibut, but we were normally fishing for trout. He always seemed to catch the fish too, then flip -- he'd let them go. *sigh* Lucky fish.
There was this lake he would take me to that wasn't in the mountains. I can't remember what it's called but I remember that there were always tons of people there. It was a place he'd take Christine when she was little. We never caught anything there but I remember seeing this guy catch this huge fish and I was so jealous. How the heck did he do that with so many people fishing the heck out of the place? ha Josh really liked it.
I remember one time we were at Mirror Lake and Josh walked off a bit to go smoke. As soon as he lit up he was attacked by dozens of flies! haha They wanted a nicotine hit as well! It was hilarious. He quickly finished smoking and as soon as he put it out, the flies disappeared. The lessons learned were 1) Don't smoke at a lake and 2) If you want to lure flies away from you, light a cigarette as a trap. We would joke about whenever we'd go fishing or camping.
Speaking of camping, Josh really hated camping but he'd go with me because I enjoy it. There was one condition: we had to bring an air mattress. I remember one time we were at a friend's property near Gunnison Lake and we had an air mattress that kept losing the air. Josh and I zipped our sleeping bags together for warmth. Now Josh always had a problem with snoring. Good heavens he could scare away the bears. Plus he liked to cuddle/spoon. So here we are with a mattress that has lost air that is pushing us even closer together, he is practically on top of me with me right on the edge of the tent/mattress and his face it directly in my ear, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ. That was the worst night camping, ever. I couldn't get out of his lock and was suffocating against the edge of the tent. lol From then on out I brought nasal spray with me and forced him to use it before bed. :)
He would enjoy going to ICF (Inebriated Children's Fund...) too. It's a yearly camping trip with friends. Oh we couldn't camp, but we'd go one of the days and hang out, get drunk (okay, Josh would get drunk and I'd get tipsy, then sober up to drive home. ha). We didn't go this last year because Josh was sick, but we went most years. I remember one year the trip was up this one canyon that had a dirt road that was barely wide enough for 1.5 cars. I was driving and nearly didn't make it up (or down). I pulled over at one turnabout and had to shake for 5 minutes until I could get the courage to keep going. I remember Josh saying that we could go back down but I thought that was silly seeing as we'd already gone half way up anyway. That was the worst canyon ever. The worst, worst was when another car was coming the other direction and you had to figure out a place to go side-by-side. Who would think this was a good idea?? lol I am definitely not the bravest person when it comes to that. Josh's way of making things better? "Think of it this way. We wouldn't live long if we fell, no long term suffering." That does not make me feel better!!! Thankfully it was worth it once we made it to the top. :) Going back down was another story...but it did seem faster. The crazy thing was the side of the road that you had the sheer cliff on kept switching so neither way was better than the other. Gah!
Those were good times. :)
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